Meal Planning: How To Create Your Meal Plan

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Are you doing meal planning? As I wrote in an earlier blog post, Meal Planning – Do You Plan Meals?, there are a lot of benefits to doing meal planning. They include saving money on groceries, eating healthier, spending less time at the grocery store, spending less time cooking and more. So when you do meal planning, you save time and money and you eat healthier. So how do you start with meal planning?

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The first step of meal planning is creating the menu, finding the dishes that you want to eat for a week. Everything else that you do after that – creating a grocery list, doing grocery shopping and cooking your meals, will depend on the menu that you have created.

A lot of times creating the menu is what presents the biggest challenge to many people. When they try to do meal planning, they are just not sure what they want to cook, so they give up on meal planning completely, before they even start.

The good news is that it is not hard to create a menu. The key is to have access to different recipes, and then to create a menu based on those recipes. There are tons of places where you can get recipes – from food blogs, cookbooks, and just by searching for recipes online. You can get lots of recipes from this blog, at

There are tons of way to look for recipes that you want to use. For example, if you have some chicken in the fridge, that you want to use, you can search for chicken recipes. If you want to make chili, then look for a Chili Recipe.

The key is to use meal planning to create a menu of dishes that you want to eat. Meal planning helps you plan to make the meals that you want to eat. So don’t try to plan to cook meals that you don’t like or won’t eat. When you include the dishes that you actually want to eat, you will be excited to cook them and eat them, so you will be able to use meal planning to eat better and tastier food.

When doing meal planning, don’t forget to include salads and vegetables into your meals. For example, if you are planning on making Beef Stroganoff Recipe With Ground Beef, make sure to include a salad, such as Tomato, Dill and Cucumber Salad to go with a meal.

Typically, a dinner would include a main dish, a side dish and a vegetable/salad. Sometimes the main dish may include some vegetables, for example Lamb Stew Recipe With Carrots And White Beans already includes carrots, onions and celery. But adding more vegetables to the menu, such as a salad or a vegetable, will make the menu healthier and better for you.

Here is an example of a dinner menu. It consists of a hearty stew with beef, mushrooms and onions. A side dish of mashed potatoes and a green bean salad. While the stew already has some vegetables (onions, mushrooms, eggplants), using the salad to add more vegetables to the meal makes this dinner menu healthy and delicious:

Main Dish: Beef Stew Recipe With Onions, Eggplants, Mushrooms

Side Dish: Mashed Potato Recipe

Salad: Green Bean Salad With Almonds and Red Onions


Here are more meal planning tips:

Three Meal Plans: Chinese Food Meal Plan, Vegetarian Meal Plan, Pasta Meal Plan

Meal Planning – Do You Plan Meals?


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